In the case when the wrist nerve is injured, carpal tunnel syndrome occurs. Carpal tunnel syndrome might be due to median nerve pressure in the wrist tunnel. Such additional pressure can be because of increasing the swelling of the contents within the tunnel by means of inflammation. It is involved in giving feeling (sensation), to the skin of the thumb, the index, middle and half of the ring fingers. The nerve also supplies branch to thenar muscles that are the muscles near the base of the thumb.
● Waking up at night, having to hold hand over the side of the bed
● Fingers feeling swollen or fuzzy
● Dropping objects
● Weak pinch
● Discomfort in wrist, hand or fingers
● Physiotherapy
● Wrist splint
● Laser Therapy
● Strengthening and stretching exercises
● Shockwave Therapy
● Dry Needling/IMS/Acupuncture
● Injections
● Surgery
Osteoarthritis is the common orthopedic diseases it cause due to wear and tear of the joint. Rheumatoid arthritis is the type of autoimmune disease, and effects the joints of body and the cells that construct the joint. The sign and symptom that goes alongside osteoarthritis is joint pain and stiffness. Like other forms of arthritis, osteoarthritis also affects amplitudes or extent to which the joint or flexible area can be moved – bend perhaps – to how it was before the onset of the condition. These symptoms may be as basic or complicated as the level of the illness that is involved. In rheumatoid arthritis, the signs and symptoms evolve over different weeks or months from each other.
Joint tenderness, joint stiffness, joint swelling in hands, wrists, elbows, feet, ankles, knees, or neck.. The disease has an affinity for the bilateral; that is, it tends to affect both sides of the body at once. Morning stiffness. Stiffness of the joint may arise in the duration of one asleep or anytime when one is confined to a sitting position for instance during a flight. It ordinarily takes more than 1 hour and can take as many as
several hours. Bumps (nodules). Rheumatoid nodules ranging in size from a pea to a mothball form in nearly one-third of people who have RA. Nodules usually form over pressure points in the body as the elbows, the knuckles, the spine and lower leg bones.
● Physiotherapy
● Splints and braces
● Laser Therapy
● Strengthening and stretching exercises
● Shockwave Therapy
● Dry Needling/IMS/Acupuncture
● Injections
● Surgery
Tennis elbow because of the name is frequent among the players through impact of the racket to the balls during backhand swings. Some of muscles in this group are those that are connected to the outer area of your elbow; thus if you have overworked your forearms, muscles such as brachioradialis may be aching. They get damaged whenever one is making a backhand stroke of the racquet in tennis; the tendons which run upward and pass behind the hand and get rolled over the end of the elbow.
● Incorrect backhand stroke
● Weak shoulder and wrist muscles
● Using a tennis racket that is too tightly strung or too short
● Other racquet sports, like racquetball or squash
● Hitting the ball off center on the racket, or hitting heavy, wet balls
In fact, the majority among them never played any form of tennis and all claimed to have taken their tennis elbow from some activity other than the sport of tennis. Thus, the problem can be attributable to virtually any activity involving a repetitive movement. Other causes of tennis elbow include:
● Painting with a brush or roller
● Working a chainsaw
● Frequent use of other hand tools on a regular basis
● Using repeated hand motions in various types of work.
Shooting pain or burning, or a dull ache in the outer part of your forearm and along the bone on the outside of your elbow. Over time, the pain gets worse. If you keep doing the activity that caused your condition, the pain may spread down to your wrist, even at rest. It may come out when your arm and hand are placed palm down on a table in an attempt to lift your hand against opposition. You may also be in pain when trying to pick objects and to grip items such as a cup of coffee. A further indication of this condition is a weak grip of the racquet.
● Physiotherapy
● Splints and braces
● Laser Therapy
● Strengthening and stretching exercises
● Shockwave Therapy
● Dry Needling/IMS/Acupuncture
● Injections
● Surgery
Selecting PhysiotherapyBest for Laser Therapy means choosing the best and going for a service where you will get professional and customized service. All our competent and erudite therapists are, hence, determined to remain relevant to new technology so that you can get the best treatments possible. Education is highly valued, and providing helpful information to the patient is conducted to ensure the patient gets actively involved in their treatment. Laser therapy equipment in our clinic is modern, and all our personnel will try to make the treatment process as comfortable as possible. You can count on us to make a positive impact in the creation of your health with passion, proficiency and technology.
At PhysiotherapyBest, we are more than just a clinic – we are a community. We invite you to join our family and take the first step towards a healthier, more active life.
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